By Ella Evans
Thailand was my first tourist destination outside Europe andNorth America. Based on the sage advice of myThailand-experienced friends, I was sure that this paradisevacation would be carried out on ridiculous costs. However,back home, I have found out too late, that during my littleThailand adventure I have spent almost the same amount of moneyas one of my regular surges to Europe. If only I knew thatcarefully planning your trip to Thailand can manifest itself inhuge savings. The following list includes some solid advice thatcan help those novice Thailand visitors to save significantamounts of cash and still enjoy their vacation:
1. Season choice. Traveling in Thailand Islands during the lowseason can save you up to 25% of the accommodation costs (up to25$ per bungalow per night if you choose high standard – notluxury - accommodation). Similar to many other world locationsthat are based operate seasonally; there is a significant pricefluctuation across seasons. Not less important is that fact thatthe weather in Thailand is quite pleasant even during the lowseason. The temperatures’ difference between the “hot season”and the “peak season” is miniscule, and during the “wet season”one can experience only a mild occasional rain. Therefore, inThailand one can lower accommodation costs by avoiding the peakseason without paying the price of suffering from unbearablecold or coping with endless monsoon.
2. Transportation. Getting from Bangkok to your finaldestination in one of the Southern Islands by train or businstead of by plane can save you up to 80$ each way. You cansave a bundle if you arrive to Bangkok International Airport inthe evening. In this case you save, besides the gap betweenrelatively expensive airfare and train or bus ticket, the firstnight’s accommodation cost as well (40$ - 100$ per bungalow pernight in high standard – not luxury - accommodation).
3. Food. In Western style countries, the more you pay for yourdinner the better it is, so everyone can make a personaldecision about getting an appropriate cost – benefit balance. InThailand, and especially in the Southern Islands it is muchsimpler: in most cases, the cheaper the better. Expensiverestaurants in Thailand Islands usually specialize on Westernfood that is neither authentic nor of superior taste; a standarddinner will cost you 10$ - 30$ in a restaurant of this kind. Alternatively, the dinner in a cheap restaurant with plasticchairs will cost you 3$ - 8$ and it is usually both tasty andauthentic. My most disappointing Thai dinner was served in afancy restaurant in Bangkok and had cost 120$ for a couple,whereas my best dinner was served in a cheap family restaurantin Koh Phangan. The owner - young mom named Mam – prepared themeal for us exactly as we wished it would be and charged us withmeasly 5-6$ per person.
4. Air Conditioning. The presence of air conditioning in yourroom can make a huge difference in accommodation rates. Forexample, the same room rates in the same resort can vary from15$-30$ for a bungalow with a fan to 40$ - 100$ for anair-conditioned bungalow. Although choosing an air-conditionedroom during the hot season (such as March – April) is crucial,if you visit Southern Thailand during the rainy season – abungalow with a fan can both satisfy your needs and cut yourexpenses in more than a half.
5. Location choice. Similar to the principle held in mostplaces in the world, the accommodation rates in Thailand Islandsdepend on your location choice. The bungalow in the centralbeach, close to the airport or seaport full of thrivingnightlife will probably be twice as expensive as the samebungalow in a remote quiet beach. However, accessibility is anissue in the Thailand Islands, and the taxi fares and taxi boatfares operate under the same principal as the accommodationrates. So there is a rule you may adopt: if you are looking forsocial activities and busy nightlife– stay close to the airportor seaport; otherwise make a little effort and move after yourarrival to a remote beach. You will save up to 60% on theaccommodation rates this way.
6. Communication. It will probably not come as a completeshock, but the use of cellular phone from outside of Thailandcould be extremely expensive. To save on communication costs youcan either buy a local cellular phone with prepaid SIM card oruse the Telephone & Internet centers services. Mind you that thecost of these services may vary. As usual, if you’re callingoverseas from your resort’s office – it will be more expensivethan using a call center in the town. The cheapest solution isprobably giving your phone number to your friends or relativesoverseas since every call center has a phone number that can beused for calling back.
7. Price negotiation. In tourist locations in Thailandnegotiation is a necessity or a way of life. Likewise, in theless touristy islands and areas price bargaining is accepted aswell. Just try it – in Thailand price negotiation isn’tconsidered an embarrassing behavior, so you have nothing tolose.
8. Psychology. Although, in Thailand everything is perceived tobe cheaper than in your home country, don’t be fooled by theseemingly low prices and control your expenses. Buying anenormous amount of inexpensive things can really add up to asurprisingly large sum of money.
During my last visit to Thailand, I followed these guidelineswith persistence and I was happy to disclose, that budget travelin Thailand can be more than just an economical issue, it canalso be enjoyable. Interestingly enough, in Thailand, the lessyou spend – the closer you get to the local authenticexperience.
About the Author: Independent researcher, MA in anthropology,and travel enthusiast Ella Evans has spend more than a decadeexploring Thailand focusing on the Southern Islands. The fruitsof her labor can be found in the Koh Phangan Experience Website::
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