By Ken Snow
When you have to travel on a budget, one of the biggestquestions is whether it is best to plan each part of your tripindependently, making separate airfare and hotel reservations,or to opt for a package deal where everything is included forone price.
Unfortunately, there isn’t one east answer to this dilemma,because it depends on where you want to go, and what deals areavailable at the time. For example, traveling to many toEuropean cities is often less costly to arrange yourself,especially in the off-season, when airlines are running specialson flights to Europe.
On the other hand, if you want to travel to an exotic place,like Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, South Africa, or Asia, it is oftenless expensive and easier when arrange by a package company ortravel agent. This is due in part to travel agencies havingspecial deals with the national airlines and resorts of thesecountries, and they are able to provide substantial discounts inexchange for a steady flow of business.
For example, last year I traveled solo to Egypt from New Yorkfor a grand total of $1,100, including airfare, an excellenthotel, daily breakfast, airport transfers, and daily sightseeingtours, including guided tours of the pyramids of Giza and theSphinx. This is a far better deal than I could have arranged onmy own, since airfare alone would have cost over $700. Thesecret of this great deal was the relationship of the touroperator with Egypt air and the hotel at which we stayed.
There are similarly great deals for many Asian locations,particularly India, China and Taiwan. Make sure to research theavailability of these types of package deals when looking totravel abroad on a budget.
Solo travelers often have trouble getting the great deals ontravel packages, since the required single increase can oftenmake the deal not worth it. Don’t despair; there are great dealsout there if package deals are too expensive or aren’t yourthing, and it is often a better option, especially if you aretraveling alone.
One important tip is to find out exactly what is and isn’tincluded in any package deal that you are considering. Mosttravel packages include optional excursions, which can addconsiderable expense, and blow your budget. Try to get adetailed daily schedule to make sure you won’t be on your own ifyou don’t buy into the options. It’s also a good idea to ask fora list of the optional outings available, including descriptionsand costs, so that you can compare what the price would be towhat you could arrange on your own.
If you are traveling alone, make sure you start planning ahead,especially when it comes to airfare arrangements. The importantthing to remember is that there are only a certain number offirst come, first serve seats the advertised low fares, and ifyou wait too long you won’t get the lower rate. It is importantto reserve your airfare and your lodging as early as possible tomake sure you get the best available prices.
In the end, the decision whether to choose a package deal orindependent travel an individual decision based on thetraveler’s situation. Make sure to carefully compare packageprices with those for independently arranging travel to the samedestination. And don’t forget to take your own personal travelstyle into account. Some people are more cut out for a packagedtour, particularly to an new destination, while others preferthe freedom from itineraries that independent travel offers.
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