Monday, December 15, 2008

Budget Travel To Any Summer Ski Resort

By Jonny Goldmann
When most people think of ski resorts, they naturally picturemountains full of fresh fallen snow and people huddled around aroaring fire enjoying a cup of hot cocoa. While this image iscertainly accurate, and ski resorts are some of the most popularof all vacation destinations, the prices of these resortgetaways can often be beyond the means of the budget traveler.
There is another way, however, to enjoy these upscale resortsfor a fraction of their in season costs. Many ski resortlocations stay open all year round, and the prices of lodging,meals and local entertainment often drops precipitously afterwinter has passed.
Visiting a ski resort in the middle of the summer does not meanthere will be nothing to do. In fact, many people prefervisiting these resorts in the off season, since their mountainlocations provides for a comfortable, activity packed getaway.
For instance, most ski resorts have ample hiking trails throughbeautiful mountain vistas. All those great cross country skitrails become wonderful hiking and biking trails after the snowhas melted, and the scenery can be even more spectacular, andmore comfortable, without the cold and snow of winter.
Besides hiking and biking, there are a great many otheractivities to be offered as well, including horseback riding,fishing swimming, and other outdoor activities. In addition,many ski resorts use their ski lifts as fun summer sky rides,and open their slopes to such summertime activities astobogganing down the side of the mountain. The kids inparticular love these fun rides.
Another great thing about visiting a ski resort area in summeris that the mountain location often means cooler temperatures.Even when the lowland temperature is stiflingly hot, thetemperature in the mountains can be refreshingly cool andcomfortable. Of course, it is important to check the monthlyweather for your destination and to avoid the rainy season
There are ski resorts in many states around the country, andthe northeastern and western parts of the country have a greatwealth of these resorts. While many of them stay open year roundand offer a host of off season activities, not all do, so it isimportant to verify the summer activities of the resort you areconsidering.
It is also a good idea to research the activities that areoffered by each resort. With the concentration of ski resorts insome areas of the country, it will be easy to compare thevarious offerings and choose the one that best suits yourindividuals needs.
It is also important to research the surrounding area and seewhat else there is to do when you are not at the resort. Whilemany ski resorts have plenty of activities to keep you busy fordays, you will probably want to venture off the property atleast a few times.
About the Author: Choosing a ski resort located near a busy,but not expensive, metropolitan area is a great way to enjoyyour budget vacation. Due to the Winter Olympic Games 2006 inEurope the author prefers the Winterurlaub Resource.
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