Monday, December 15, 2008

Packing For The Big Move

By Stuart Simpson
When you are moving and have to hire movers, it’s cheaper tofill the entire truck, right? Wrong. The cost per 100 lbs.decreases, yes, but you have more of these 100 lbs. to multiply.Even if you get a uhaul and move it yourself, filling up thetruck with useless items will cost more gas money. Storage fornon-essential items for moving later can end up costing morethan the items are worth.
Moving can end up being very costly. Here are some tips andpractical considerations for your move.
Organization: Set aside an area in the garage where everyfamily member can put things they no longer want. Have anotherpile for items that are “maybe keepers”. It’s hard to cull ourpossessions. Have the family as a whole help decide on what tokeep in the “maybe” pile. Sell the rest at a garage sale andcall the Salvation Army or local charity and donate the rest.Either they’ll send in a truck, or worst case, you’ll have totake it to them, but you might qualify for a tax right off.
Alcohol: Can’t transport it across state lines. Get rid of it.
Appliances: Sometimes taking your fridge, washer and dryer withyou can cost you more than they are worth. These items are largeand heavy and could add $100 to $200 to your move per appliance.If you are selling your house, you might be able to work the newowners a sweet deal, otherwise place an ad in the paper and getrid of them. Get new or used ones at your new location andyou’ll be money ahead.
Books: Use the post office. Seriously. The book rate is around$20 per 100 pounds. Compare that with your mover’s rate.
Tools: Cull your tool collection and if you are driving orrenting a uhaul, take them in the car or truck with you. Toolsare heavy. Besides, they’ll come in handy at the new locationand you won’t have to wait for the movers to unpack everythingto find them. And if you are taking a uhaul, be sure to loadthem last so the tools will be the first to unload.
Furniture: Take what you need and want; just make sure it willall fit. No point in moving it to find out it won’t fit in thenew place and you’ll just have to rent a storage unit or sellit. Try to do a layout of your new house and place in thefurniture. Do the math to see if it will all fit. You’ll be gladyou did.
Piano: Be prepared to pay for special handling when moving apiano or organ. You do not want to put a piano in storage. Sellit or take it.
Pool Table: Do you still use it? You know the slate will haveto be removed and the table will have to be leveled at your newlocation. Be sure you crate (with wood) the slate for travel.Prepare for additional moving expense.
Valuables: Do not ship your valuables. If you must, you couldship them to yourself, but use adequate insurance and don’t shipanything that can’t be replaced.
Storage Shed: If you have one, you’ll probably decide to leavemost of these storage items or get rid of them. There’s no pointin moving them from storage at one house to storage at theother. It’ll just take up more room in the uhaul.
Items not to move:
Alcohol – See above
Flammables – including any kind of aerosol can. Items likedeodorant, hairspray, spray paint, etc. Firewood or lumber
Food (eat it all, don’t ship it)
Clothing – update your wardrobe and cull out for the garagesale
Magazines – If you must, cut out recipes or tear out articlesyou haven’t had time to read, but don’t take the whole magazine.
Storage is an option but eventually you’ll still have to moveeverything. I hope this article helps you get realistic with theitems you need for moving.
About the Author: Stuart Simpson
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