Monday, December 15, 2008

Cheap Travel

By Emma Tucker
Years ago, the words 'cheap' and 'travel agents' would rarelybe used in the same sentence. People paid big bucks for theirholidays, but since the growth of the Internet, the wholeindustry was turned upside down.
Travel agents pricing has lowered dramatically to compete inthe worldwide environment. Anyone who can afford a vacation or abusiness trip has access to Internet, and is now more capablethan ever of sourcing a good deal. There are hundreds ofthousands of sites dedicated to travel, allowing anyone toquickly and simply book their travel arrangements on their own,for little cost.
Additionally, hotels and airlines have raised their prices asfar as travel agents are concerned, because they now have thefacility, and actively encourage consumers to directly bookthrough their websites. As a consequence, travel agents havelowered their prices by some margin to compete, resulting incheaper travel for the customer at the end of the day.
And just because the travel agents are charging less doesn'tmean the quality is any different from how it used to be.Actually many travel agents, offer better service as well aslower prices to attract more business and retain existingcustomers.
For example, they may organize activities on your behalf. Ifyou're going somewhere tropical, they might book your scubadiving lessons, or if you're skiing they can organize a greatdeal on lift passes.
And what's more, they can still provide loads of handyinformation about the places you are going to that you can'tfind online, for example about company/hotel reputations. Also,they are good sources of local information like languages,customs and weather, not to mention currency and time-zones.They can give you a personal insight into your destination whichyou will struggle to find on a Google search.
The travel agents don't just provide these services; they alsoarrange and fix everything, tailored to your requirements. In anutshell, you tell them what you're looking for, and they makeit really happen. If you're looking for the best price for yourflights, you might have to look around loads of differentwebsites to hunt for that bargain.
Even the cheapest agents have access to the best deals. Theycould really save you a great deal f time and money, and canscout out the best of the constantly changing hotel and flightprices on your behalf.
If you simply don't have time to do your homework, look towardsa travel agent to do all the legwork on your behalf, and get youthe best possible deal for your vacation.
About the Author: Emma is the editor of a top website, and she also runs asite about
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